German Words That Start With P
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Paar – Parlament
German |
English |
Paar |
couple |
Paar |
pair |
Pädagoge |
pedagogue |
pädagogisch |
pedagogic |
Paket |
package |
Paket |
packet |
Pakt |
pact |
Palast |
palace |
Palme |
palm |
Panik |
panic |
Panzer |
tank |
Papier |
paper |
Papier (klein) |
paper (small) |
Papierkorb |
wastebasket |
Parade |
parade |
Paradies |
paradise |
Paradigma |
paradigm |
Paradox |
paradox |
parallel |
parallel |
Parameter |
parameter |
parametrische Kurve |
parametric curve |
parasitär |
parasitic |
Parfüm |
perfume |
Park |
park |
Parkplatz |
parking space |
Parlament |
parliament |
Parlamentarisch – Periodische Funktion
parlamentarisch |
parliamentary |
Parole |
parole |
Partikel |
particle |
Partisan |
partisan |
Partner |
partner |
Passage |
passage |
Passagier |
passenger |
passieren |
pass |
passiv |
passive |
Passwort |
password |
Pate |
godfather |
Patin |
godmother |
Patriarch |
patriarch |
Patrimonium |
patrimony |
Patriot |
patriot |
patriotisch |
patriotic |
Patriotismus |
patriotism |
Pause |
pause |
Pazifik |
Pacific |
Peeling |
exfoliation |
Pein |
anguish |
perfekt |
perfect |
perfekt |
perfectly |
Perfektion |
perfection |
periodische Dezimalstellen |
periodic decimals |
periodische Funktion |
periodic function |
Periodische Kurve – Philosophie
periodische Kurve |
periodic curve |
periodischer Bruch |
periodic fraction |
Perle |
pearl |
Person |
person |
Persönlichkeit |
personage |
Persönlichkeit |
personality |
Perspektive |
perspective |
Pessimismus |
pessimism |
Petition |
petition |
Petroleum |
petroleum |
Pfeffer |
pepper |
Pferd |
horse |
Pferde- |
equine |
Pflanze, Anlage |
plant |
Pflege |
care |
pflegen |
maintain |
pflegen |
maintain |
Pflicht |
duty |
Pfründe |
benefice |
Pfund |
pound |
Phänomen |
phenomenon |
Phänomene |
phenomena |
pharmazeutisch |
pharmaceutical |
Phase |
phase |
Philosoph |
philosopher |
Philosophie |
philosophy |
Philosophisch – Planet
philosophisch |
philosophical |
photoabbaubar |
photodegradable |
Photolyse |
photolysis |
Photometrie |
photometry |
Photon |
photon |
Photosphäre |
photosphere |
Photosynthese |
photosynthesis |
Phototropismus |
phototropism |
Photovoltaik |
photovoltaic |
Phrase |
phrase |
Phrenologie |
phrenology |
Phycoerythrin |
phycoerythrin |
Physik |
physics |
physiologisch |
physiological |
Pickel |
pimple |
Pigment |
pigment |
Pille |
pill |
Pilot |
pilot |
Pilz |
mushroom |
Pinguin |
penguin |
Pionier |
pioneer |
Pirat |
pirate |
Pistole |
pistol |
Plakette |
plaque |
planen |
scheme |
Planet |
planet |
Planetarium – Population
Planetarium |
planetarium |
Planke |
board |
platonisch |
platonic |
Plattform |
platform |
Platz |
space |
Plebejer |
plebeian |
plötzlich |
suddenly |
Plural- |
plural |
Plus |
plus |
Plusquamperfekt |
past perfect |
Pluto |
Pluto |
Poesie |
poesy |
Poesie |
poetry |
poetisch |
poetic |
Pole |
pole |
Polemik |
polemic |
Politik |
politics |
Politiker |
politician |
politisch |
political |
Polizei |
police |
Polynomgleichung |
polynomial equation |
polynomialer Ausdruck |
polynomial expression |
Pony |
poniard |
Popcorn |
popcorn |
Popularität |
popularity |
Population |
population |
Portion – Prätendent
Portion |
portion |
Posaune |
trombone |
Position |
position |
positiv |
positive |
positive Korrelation |
positive correlation |
Post |
mail |
Post |
post |
Post |
post office |
Poster |
poster |
Postkarte |
postcard |
Potenz |
potency |
Potenzial |
potential |
Potenzierung |
exponentiation |
prächtig |
splendid |
Präferenz |
preference |
prägnant |
succinct |
prähistorisch |
prehistoric |
praktisch |
convenient |
praktisch |
practical |
Prämie |
premium |
Präposition |
preposition |
Prärie |
prairie |
Präsentation |
presentation |
Präsident |
president |
Präsidentschaft |
presidency |
Prätendent |
pretender |
Präzedenzfall – Profitieren
Präzedenzfall |
precedent |
präzise |
precise |
Preis |
price |
Preis- |
prize |
Prestige |
prestige |
Priester |
priest |
prim |
prime |
primär |
primary |
primär |
primary |
Primitive |
primitive |
Prinz |
prince |
Prinzessin |
princess |
Prinzip |
principle |
Priorität |
priority |
Privat |
private |
Privileg |
privilege |
pro |
per |
Probe |
rehearsal |
Problem |
problem |
Produkt |
product |
Produktion |
production |
produziert |
produced |
Professor |
professor |
Profil |
profile |
profitabel |
profitable |
profitieren |
profit |
Prognostiziert – Prozess
prognostiziert |
forecast |
Programm |
program |
programmierbarer Taschenrechner |
programmable calculator |
Progress |
progress |
progressiv |
progressive |
Projekt |
project |
Projektion |
projection |
proklamiert |
proclaimed |
Prolog |
prologue |
Promotion |
doctorate |
Pronomen |
pronoun |
Prophet |
prophet |
Prosa |
prose |
Protagonist |
protagonist |
Protest |
protest |
Protokoll |
protocol |
Provinz |
province |
provinziell |
provincial |
proximal |
proximal |
Prozent |
percent |
Prozess |
process |
Prozession – Pyramide
Prozession |
procession |
Prüfbericht |
report |
Prüfbericht |
report |
prüfen |
check |
prüfen |
inspect |
Prüfung |
exam |
Prüfung |
test |
Psychologie |
psychology |
psychologisch |
psychological |
Psychrometer |
psychrometer |
Publikum |
audience |
Pudding |
custard |
Pullover |
sweater |
Punkt |
point |
pünktlich |
on time |
pünktlich |
punctual |
Puppe |
doll |
Puzzle |
puzzle |
Pyjama |
pajamas |
Pyramide |
pyramid |
German Words That Start With P
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