German Words That Start With R
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Rabatt – Rationaler Bruch
German |
English |
Rabatt |
disc |
Rache |
vengeance |
Rad |
wheel |
Radiergummi |
eraser |
Radiergummi |
pencil eraser |
radikale Form |
radical form |
radikale Gleichung |
radical equation |
Radio |
radio |
raffiniert |
refined |
Rakete |
rocket |
Ranch |
ranch |
Rand |
border |
Rand |
margin |
Rang |
rank |
ranzig |
rancid |
Rasen |
lawn |
Rasen |
turf |
Raserei |
frenzy |
Rasierer |
razor |
Rat |
advice |
Rat |
counsel |
Ration |
ration |
rational |
rational |
rationale Funktion |
rational function |
rationaler Ausdruck |
rational expression |
rationaler Bruch |
rational fraction |
Rationaler Koeffizient – Rede
rationaler Koeffizient |
rational coefficient |
Rätsel |
enigma |
Rätsel |
riddle |
Raub |
robbery |
räuberisch |
rapacious |
Raucherbereich |
smoking section |
räumliche Nähe |
proximity |
reagieren |
react |
Reaktion |
reaction |
Real |
real |
Realisierung |
realization |
Realismus |
realism |
Realist |
realist |
Rebell |
rebel |
Rebellion |
rebellion |
Rebellion |
rebelliousness |
rebellisch |
rebellious |
rechnen |
computing |
rechnerisch |
computational |
Rechnung |
bill |
rechtfertigen |
justify |
rechtlich |
juridical |
rechts |
right |
Rechtsanwalt |
attorney |
Redaktion |
redaction |
Rede |
oration |
Redner – Reich
Redner |
orator |
reduzierbare Gleichung |
reducible equation |
reduziert |
reduced |
reduziert (im Preis) |
reduced (in price) |
referenziell |
referential |
Reflex |
reflex |
Reform |
reform |
Regal |
regal |
Regal |
shelf |
Regel |
rule |
Regen |
rain |
Regenfall |
rainfall |
Regenjacke |
raincoat |
Regenschirm |
umbrella |
Regenwald |
rain forest |
regieren |
reign |
Regierung |
government |
Regime |
regime |
Regiment |
regiment |
Region |
region |
registrieren |
register |
regnerisch |
rainy |
Regress |
regress |
Reich |
empire |
Reich |
rich |
Reich – Religion
Reich |
wealthy |
reichlich |
abundant |
reichlich |
abundantly |
reichlich |
ample |
reichlich |
copious |
reicht aus |
sufficient |
Reichtum |
fortune |
reif |
ripe |
reifen |
mature |
Reihe |
row |
Reihenfolge |
sequence |
rein |
pure |
reine quadratische Gleichung |
pure quadratic equation |
Reinheit |
purity |
reinigen |
clean |
Reis |
rice |
Reise |
journey |
Reise |
trip |
Reisebüro |
travel agency |
Reisepass |
passport |
rekursive Definition |
recursive definition |
relativ |
relative |
relativer Fehler |
relative error |
relevant |
relevant |
Relevanz |
relevance |
Religion |
religion |
Religiös – Rhythmus
religiös |
religious |
Renaissance |
renaissance |
Rennen |
race |
Reparatur |
repair |
Repertoire |
repertory |
repräsentiert |
represented |
Reproduktion |
reproduction |
Republik |
republic |
Republikaner |
republican |
Reservieren |
reserve |
reserviert |
reserved |
Residenz |
residence |
Respekt |
respect |
respektabel |
respectable |
Ressource |
resource |
Restaurant |
restaurant |
Reste |
leftovers |
Retabel |
retable |
Revolution |
revolution |
Revolutionär |
revolutionary |
Rezept |
recipe |
Rezeption |
reception |
Rezeptionist |
receptionist |
rezitieren |
recite |
Rhetorik |
rhetoric |
Rhythmus |
rhythm |
Richter – Romanhaft
Richter |
judge |
richtig |
proper |
Richtung |
direction |
Riese |
giant |
riesig |
gigantic |
Rinde |
bark |
Rindfleisch |
beef |
Rindfleisch (Steak) |
beef (steak) |
Ring |
ring |
Rippe |
rib |
Risiko |
risk |
Riss |
tear |
Rivalität |
rivalry |
Robotik |
robotics |
robust |
robust |
Rock |
skirt |
roh |
raw |
Rohr |
pipe |
Rohr |
tube |
Rolle |
role |
rollen |
roll |
Rolltreppe |
escalator |
Roman |
novel |
romanesk |
novelesque |
romanhaft |
novelistic |
Romanschriftsteller – Rustikal
Romanschriftsteller |
novelist |
Romantik |
romance |
Romantik |
romanticism |
romantisch |
romantic |
Röntgen |
x-ray |
Rosa |
pink |
Rose |
rose |
Rosenkranz |
rosary |
rot |
red |
rötlich |
reddish |
Rotwein |
red wine |
Route |
itinerary |
Route |
route |
Routine |
routine |
Rubin |
ruby |
Rückgriff |
recourse |
Rückkehr |
return |
Rucksack |
backpack |
rücksichtsvoll |
considerate |
Rückzug |
retreat |
Ruf |
reputation |
Ruhe |
calm |
Ruhe |
quiescence |
Ruhe |
quietude |
Ruhe |
repose |
Ruhe |
tranquility |
ruhend |
dormant |
Ruhestand |
retirement |
ruhig |
placid |
ruhig |
quiet |
Ruhm |
fame |
Ruine |
ruin |
ruiniert |
ruined |
rund |
rotund |
runden |
round |
runder Zylinder |
circular cylinder |
Russisch |
Russian |
rustikal |
rustic |
German Words That Start With R
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