Internal Organs of the Human Body in English to German

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Internal Organs of the Human Body in English to German

the internal organs – kidney

English German
the internal organs die inneren Organe
the anus der Anus
the cervix der Gebärmutterhals
the gallbladder die Gallenblase
the heart das Herz
the kidney Die Niere

kidneys – ovaries

the kidneys die Nieren
the large intestine der Dickdarm
the liver die Leber
the lung die Lunge
the lungs die Lungen
the ovaries die Eierstöcke

ovary – stomach

the ovary der Eierstock
the prostate gland die Prostata
the rectum das Rektum
the scrotum der Hodensack
the small intestine der Dünndarm
the stomach der Magen

testicle – uterus

the testicle der Hoden
the testicles die Hoden
the throat die Kehle
the urethra die Harnröhre
the uterus die Gebärmutter


Internal Organs of the Human Body in English to German

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