Ordinal Numbers in English to German
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
1st – 9th
English |
German |
1st |
first |
Erste |
2nd |
second |
Sekunde |
3rd |
third |
Dritter |
4th |
fourth |
vierte |
5th |
fifth |
fünfte |
6th |
sixth |
sechste |
7th |
seventh |
siebte |
8th |
eighth |
achte |
9th |
ninth |
neunte |
10th – 19th
10th |
tenth |
Zehntel |
11th |
eleventh |
elfte |
12th |
twelfth |
Zwölftel |
13th |
thirteenth |
dreizehnte |
14th |
fourteenth |
vierzehnte |
15th |
fifteenth |
fünfzehnten |
16th |
sixteenth |
sechzehnter |
17th |
seventeenth |
siebzehnter |
18th |
eighteenth |
achtzehnter |
19th |
nineteenth |
neunzehnten |
20th – 29th
20th |
twentieth |
zwanzigsten |
21th |
twenty-first |
einundzwanzigster |
22th |
twenty-second |
zweiundzwanzigste |
23th |
twenty-third |
dreiundzwanzigster |
24th |
twenty-fourth |
vierundzwanzig |
25th |
twenty-fifth |
fünfundzwanzigster |
26th |
twenty-sixth |
sechsundzwanzig |
27th |
twenty-seventh |
siebenundzwanzigster |
28th |
twenty-eighth |
achtundzwanzig |
29th |
twenty-ninth |
neunundzwanzigste |
30th – 39th
30th |
thirtieth |
dreißig |
31th |
thirty-first |
einunddreißig |
32th |
thirty-second |
zweiunddreißigster |
33th |
thirty-third |
dreiunddreißig |
34th |
thirty-fourth |
vierunddreißig |
35th |
thirty-fifth |
fünfunddreißig |
36th |
thirty-sixth |
sechsunddreißig |
37th |
thirty-seventh |
siebenunddreißig |
38th |
thirty-eighth |
achtunddreißig |
39th |
thirty-ninth |
neununddreißig |
40th – 49th
40th |
fortieth |
vierzigsten |
41th |
Forty-first |
Einundvierzigster |
42th |
Forty-second |
Zweiundvierzig |
43th |
Forty-third |
Dreiundvierzig |
44th |
Forty-fourth |
Vierundvierzigster |
45th |
Forty-fifth |
Fünfundvierzig |
46th |
Forty-sixth |
Sechsundvierzigster |
47th |
Forty-seventh |
Siebenundvierzigster |
48th |
Forty-eighth |
Achtundvierzig |
49th |
Forty-ninth |
Neunundvierzigster |
50th – 59th
50th |
fiftieth |
fünfzigste |
51th |
Fifty-first |
Fünfzig zuerst |
52th |
Fifty-second |
Zweiundfünfzig |
53th |
Fifty-third |
Dreiundfünfzig |
54th |
Fifty-fourth |
Vierundfünfzigster |
55th |
Fifty-fifth |
Fünfundfünfzigster |
56th |
Fifty-sixth |
Sechsundfünfzigster |
57th |
Fifty-seventh |
Siebenundfünfzigster |
58th |
Fifty-eighth |
Achtundfünfzig |
59th |
Fifty-ninth |
Neunundfünfzigster |
60th – 69th
60th |
sixtieth |
sechzigster |
61th |
Sixty-first |
Einundsechzig |
62th |
Sixty-second |
Zweiundsechzig |
63th |
Sixty-third |
Dreiundsechzig |
64th |
Sixty-fourth |
Vierundsechzig |
65th |
Sixty-fifth |
Fünfundsechzig |
66th |
Sixty-sixth |
Sechsundsechzigster |
67th |
Sixty-seventh |
Siebenundsechzigster |
68th |
Sixty-eighth |
Achtundsechzig |
69th |
Sixty-ninth |
Neunundsechzig |
70th – 79th
70th |
seventieth |
siebzigste |
71th |
Seventy-first |
Einundsiebzig |
72th |
Seventy-second |
Zweiundsiebzig |
73th |
Seventy-third |
Dreiundsiebzig |
74th |
Seventy-fourth |
Vierundsiebzig |
75th |
Seventy-fifth |
Fünfundsiebzig |
76th |
Seventy-sixth |
Sechsundsiebzigster |
77th |
Seventy-seventh |
Siebenundsiebzigster |
78th |
Seventy-eighth |
Achtundsiebzig |
79th |
Seventy-ninth |
Neunundsiebzig |
80th – 89th
80th |
eightieth |
achtzig |
81th |
Eighty-first |
Einundachtzig |
82th |
Eighty-second |
Zweiundachtzig |
83th |
Eighty-third |
Dreiundachtzig |
84th |
Eighty-fourth |
Vierundachtzig |
85th |
Eighty-fifth |
Fünfundachtzig |
86th |
Eighty-sixth |
Sechsundachtzigster |
87th |
Eighty-seventh |
Siebenundachtzigster |
88th |
Eighty-eighth |
Achtundachtzig |
89th |
Eighty-ninth |
Neunundachtzig |
90th – 99th
90th |
ninetieth |
neunzigsten |
91th |
Ninety-first |
Einundneunzig |
92th |
Ninety-second |
Zweiundneunzig |
93th |
Ninety-third |
Dreiundneunzig |
94th |
Ninety-fourth |
Vierundneunzig |
95th |
Ninety-fifth |
Fünfundneunzig |
96th |
Ninety-sixth |
Sechsundneunzigster |
97th |
Ninety-seventh |
Siebenundneunzigster |
98th |
Ninety-eighth |
Achtundneunzig |
99th |
Ninety-ninth |
Neunundneunzig |
100th – 1000th
100th |
one hundredth |
ein Hundertstel |
200th |
two hundredth |
zweihundertstel |
300th |
three hundredth |
drei Hundertstel |
400th |
four hundredth |
vierhundertstel |
500th |
five hundredth |
fünf Hundertstel |
600th |
Six hundredth |
Sechs Hundertstel |
700th |
Seven hundredth |
Sieben Hundertstel |
800th |
Eight hundredth |
Acht Hundertstel |
900th |
Nine hundredth |
Neun Hundertstel |
1000th |
One thousandth |
Ein Tausendstel |
10,000th – 1,000,000,000th
10,000th |
Ten thousandth |
Zehntausendstel |
100,000th |
One hundred thousandth |
Hunderttausendstel |
1,000,000th |
One Millionth |
Ein Millionstel |
1,000,000,000th |
One Billionth |
Ein Milliardstel |
Ordinal Numbers in English to German
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