Skeleton of the Human Body in English to German

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Skeleton of the Human Body in English to German

skeleton – clavicle

English German
the skeleton das Skelett
the bone der Knochen
the bones die Knochen
the calcaneus das Fersenbein
the carpus die Handwurzel
the clavicle das Schlüsselbein

coccyx – jawbone

the coccyx das Steißbein
the femur der Femur
the fibula die Fibel
the humerus der Humerus
the ilium das Darmbein
the jawbone der Kieferknochen

metatarsus – scapula

the metatarsus der Mittelfuß
the patella die Kniescheibe
the phalanges die Phalangen
the radius der Radius
the ribs die Rippen
the scapula das Schulterblatt

skull – vertebra

the skull der Schädel
the spinal column die Wirbelsäule
the sternum das Brustbein
the tarsus der Tarsus
the tibia das Schienbein
the ulna die Elle
the vertebra der Wirbel


Skeleton of the Human Body in English to German

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